View zoom- 视角缩放:调整视角的远近。 Camera left/right- 摄像头左右:调整摄像头左右移动。 Camera up/down- 摄像头上下:调整摄像头上下移动。 Camera zoom- 摄像头缩放:调整摄像头的远近。 Gun/bomb left/right- 枪/炸弹左右:调整枪或炸弹的方向。 Gun/bomb up/down- 枪/炸弹上下:调整枪或炸弹的俯仰。 C...
X-Camera 是 X-Plane 11/12 一个取代过去镜头系统的新插件。它允许您为不同的飞机创建单独的镜头设置。点击此处了解更多信息。 如果您在使用 X-Camera插件时遇到任何问题,请点击此处寻求技术支持。 请注意,X-Camera 插件需将 Tobii Game Hub 更新至 v3.3 或更新版本。
With our award-winning range of products suited to Pros and enthusiasts alike, we’re sure there’s a camera in our range that will interest you.
Discover the difference between being a player and a pilot in X-Plane 12 thanks to the Tobii Eye Tracker 5
X-Plane 12.00 is the initial version of the newest flight simulator from Laminar Research. X-Plane 12 includes new features such as new aircraft, an updated user interface, moving jetways, seasons, and a new lighting, sound and effects engine. It contains numerous flight model updates, an ...
This is version 12.0 of the manual to the home and professional versions of X‑Plane (X-Plane 12 and X‑Plane 12 for Professional Use, respectively). The latest version will always be available online on the X‑Plane website.
This plugin for X-Plane 11/12 is a replacement camera system that lets you define multiple view categories and multiple views within those categories that are associated with specific aircraft. X-Camera also supports airport cameras that can be positione
X Camera破解版是一款支持拍摄动态图的手机相机软件,为朋友们带来极致的照片拍摄体验,让你的照片动起来,是不是很过瘾?喜欢的朋友就来IT猫扑下载吧! 应用简介 每次打开应用程式时都会打开一个简单的全功能相机。使用者使用秘密手势存取登入萤幕,然后输入密码或点锁组合以进入你的私密存储。此外,xCamera拥有原生的相机图...
View zoom- 视角缩放:调整视角的远近。 Camera left/right- 摄像头左右:调整摄像头左右移动。 Camera up/down- 摄像头上下:调整摄像头上下移动。 Camera zoom- 摄像头缩放:调整摄像头的远近。 Gun/bomb left/right- 枪/炸弹左右:调整枪或炸弹的方向。 Gun/bomb up/down- 枪/炸弹上下:调整枪或炸弹的俯仰。 C...