將X軸和標籤移動到負值/零/底部以下,並在圖表中格式化Y軸 除了更改X軸的標籤位置,我們還可以將圖表X軸移至負值下方並移至底部,並按如下所示格式化Y軸: 1。 右鍵點擊Y軸,然後選擇格式軸從右鍵單擊菜單中。 2。 根據您的Microsoft Excel版本繼續操作: (1)在Excel 2013的“格式軸”窗格中,轉到軸選項選項卡,檢...
然后,右键单击收入的y轴坐标,然后单击“选择数据” 3。在弹出对话框中,单击“添加” 4。在弹出的对话框中,单击“支出”并选择支出数据列 5。如下图所示,然后在支出图例上(注意只能选择支出和收入图例),右击选择“设置数据系列格式” 6。在弹出的对话框中,选择“secondaryaxis”7并单击close(关闭)有许多步骤需要...
设置x轴和y轴的数据范围和标题: 代码语言:txt 复制 // 设置x轴的数据范围和标题 Excel.Axis xAxis = (Excel.Axis)chart.Axes(Excel.XlAxisType.xlCategory, Excel.XlAxisGroup.xlPrimary); Excel.Range xDataRange = worksheet.Range["A2:A10"]; xAxis.CategoryNames = xDataRange; xAxis.HasTitle = true...
Once you’ve switched the X and Y axis in Excel, you may find that the labels are also switched, which can be misleading. For example, instead of displaying categories along the horizontal axis, you may see values or numbers. To fix this, click on the chart to activate the Chart Tools...
We will add x-axis and y-axis labels. Method 1 – Add Axis Labels by Chart Design Tab in Excel Steps: We need to create a graph. Select Column B, Column C, and Column D. Click on the Insert tab and choose the proper line according to your wish from the Recommended Charts. Select...
Switching X and Y Axis Right Click on Graph > Select Data Range 2. Click on Values under X-Axis and change. In this case, we’re switching the X-Axis “Clicks” to “Sales”. Do the same for the Y Axis where it says “Series” Change Axis Titles Similar to Excel, double-click...
The Y axis is rescaled, and it looks like this: Method 2 – Changing Axis Scale Automatically Go to the Format Axis menu again as mentioned above. Click on Auto on the Maximum and Minimum bounds. The scale of the axis will be automatically set up by Excel. Method 3 – Changing Axis...
Switch the X and Y Axis in Excel Charts Microsoft Excel allows you to switch the horizontal and vertical axis values in a chart without making any changes to the original data. This is useful when you have already created and formatted the chart, and the only change you want to make is ...
Android MPAndroidChart Y轴网格线变虚线 excel网格线怎么设置x轴y轴,目录先详细看一下xAxis和yAxis配置的图表效果下图详细的标注了图表中x轴y轴可见的内容通过配置xAxis和yAxis可实现内容温馨提示:复制代码之前请先下载并引入echarts文件完整配置代码展示总结先详细看一下
Change X-Axis Range Excel does notauto-update the Axis rangesunless the data source is in atable format. So, if you’ve added information, here’s how youchange the X-Axis range. NOTE:When you update the X-Axis Range, you also need to add the Y-Axis. ...