Highcharts所有的图表除了饼图都有X轴和Y轴,默认情况下,x轴显示在图表的底部,y轴显示在左侧(多个y轴时可以是显示在左右两侧),通过chart.inverted = true 可以让x,y轴显示位置对调。下图为图表中坐标轴组成部分。 一、坐标轴组成部分 轴标题-Axis Title 坐标轴标题。默认情况下,x轴为null(也就是没有title),y...
AlignWithChartArea Area3DStyle Axes AxisX AxisX2 AxisY AxisY2 BackColor BackGradientStyle BackHatchStyle BackImage BackImageAlignment BackImageTransparentColor BackImageWrapMode BackSecondaryColor BorderColor BorderDashStyle BorderWidth CursorX 粗略 ...
后来查看官方文档,发现折线图中xAxis.type='value'的时候,可以解决这个问题。但是当我只是修改type为'value'后,画出来的图时乱的。 继续查找资料。发现是因为维度映射的问题。 我的原始数据格式是: [[时刻0的x轴值, 折线1的y值,折线2的y值,折线3的y值,折线4的y值],[[时刻1的x轴值, 折线1的y值,折线...
方法/步骤 1 首先,在Java Web项目中新建一个JSP页面someChart.jsp,引入echarts核心JS<script type="text/javascript" src="<%=basePath%>/scripts/echarts/build/dist/echarts.js"> // 路径配置 require.config({ paths: { echarts: "<%=basePath%>/scripts/echarts/build/dist" } });...
axisLine:{ show:true, //这里的show用于设置是否显示x轴那一条线 默认为true lineStyle:{ //lineStyle里面写x轴那一条线的样式 color:'#6FC6F3', width:2, //轴线的粗细 我写的是2 最小为0,值为0的时候线隐藏 } } }, ] yAxis属性代表echarts图表的y轴,样式设置方式与x轴的方式是一样,就是设置...
C# chart - X Axis in hours, Data provided in seconds c# Check registry if program is installed if yes get install location ? C# Check to make sure first character in a string is a letter C# check username if already exists from database C# Class - USB Port Enabled/Disabled S...
Font-weight for the x-axis title cssClass: String A custom Css Class to give to the x-axis title crosshairs show: Boolean Show crosshairs on x-axis when user moves the mouse over chart area width: Number || String Possible Options ...
Description When the graph SVG extends the viewport and is inside a scrollable div, Can we have an option to Provide fixed position X axis labels/legends so that they're always on center of the viewing area Provide a fixed Y axis, so tha...
1.编译时提示QChart::setAxisX(), QChart::setAxisY()函数过时,应改为下面的方式添加坐标轴 2.编译时提示QChart::axisX(),...
Represents the props of the Kendo UI for Vue ChartXAxisItem component (see example).NameTypeDefaultDescription axisCrossingValue? any (Only for objects) The value at which the Y axis crosses this axis. (Only for arrays) The value indices at which the y axes cross the value axis. (Only...