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Learn how to use the x-intercept calculator with a step-by-step procedure. Get the x-intercept calculator available online for free only at BYJU'S.
The intercept of a line is the point at which it intersects the y-axis. Learn to find the equation of a line when the intercepts of the lines are given for both x-axis and y-axis at BYJU'S.
To find the y-intercept on a graph, just look for the place where the line crosses the y-axis (the vertical line). Note that you can have more than one y intercept, as in the third picture, which has two y intercepts. In calculus, you won’t see more than one y intercept, becau...
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Describe the steps to find the equation of a line when given two points of intercept? Where would you plug in the slope and y-intercept for a linear equation with a slope of 2 and a y-intercept of -6? How do I find slope?
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Answer and Explanation:1 Given: The graph. Find: a)Find the domain and range off(x). b)Find x- and y-intercepts off(x). a)Find the domain and... Learn more about this topic: Domain & Range of a Function | Definition, Equation & Examples ...
Given y = -1.36x +13.93 what is the slope and y-intercept of the line? For each of the lists of scores, indicate whether the value of SS will be negative, 0, between 0 and +15, or greater than +15. (You do ...