regardless of sex chromosome genotype, while males of each genotype had higher energy expenditure than females (Fig.1d–f). Moreover, XX mice with higher body weights and fat mass had significantly higher food intake (male and female, Fig.1d;P = 0.028, 2-way ANOVA with Holm–Sidak te...
plot with log2 ratio of the mean expression levels comparing male to female (with a constant of the 5th percentile expression added to avoid denominators of 0) on the x-axis, and -log10 transformation of raw p-values from the differential transcription analysis between sexes on the y-axis....
I have a graph ,and i want to label the axis vertically ,can u help please.. I gave bar graphs ,there are 7 bars in that graph bar(y) plots the graph for the values of y x axis is labelled as 1 2 3 4 5... i want to label the x axis vertically i know to label for hor...
%and y axis labelled appropriatey. Graph will consist of 8 bars each %displaying eeg data, this is because there are 8 channels recording data %to be plotted. k='0'; sizeX=size(matrix); Max=sizeX(2);%this finds the maximum X size ...
(XY) by silencing one X chromosome in females. X inactivation begins with the upregulation of the long noncoding RNAXiston the future inactive X chromosome. While most genes become silenced on the inactive X chromosome some genes escape inactivation and thus have higher expression in females ...
#' Pipe a ggplot2 graph (with categorical x-axis) into this function with the argument of a list of #' pictures (e.g. loaded via readImage) and it builds a new grob with the x-axis categories #' now labelled by the images. Solves a problem that you perhaps shouldn't have. ...
The X axis is labelled based on the female offspring XX type, the first letter reflects the maternal species X and the second letter the paternal species X (C=T. commodus; O=T. oceanicus). In BC1 and BC2, (H) indicates potential interspecies recombination on the X. Significant comparisons...
In protein-based NMR, isotopically labelled proteins are prepared by incorporatingstable isotopesof hydrogen and carbon (e.g.,15N,13C) into the protein during expression in a suitable host organism, such asEscherichia coli. This is done by introducing stable-isotope labelled amino acids in cell ...
If I change the X-axis to categorical, then I get the x-axis bars labelled but the sort is in the wrong order. I have read other posts about changing the sort-by column, but the only options I have are from the TableTable. What I need to do, is to sort by Hou...
and non-differentially transcribed (nonDT) TSSs on chrX. The similarity score of DNA methylation on y-axis is the residual of M as a function of A on chrX. Only TSSs with at least one probe within 50 bps were plotted, and for those TSSs within 50 bps of multiple probes, the ...