染色体(chromosome)是遗传物质,基因的载体,人类的常染色体是成对存在的。人体的体细胞染色体数目为23对,其中22对为男女所共有,称为常染色体(autosome);另外一对为决定性别的染色体,男女不同,称为性染色体(sex chromosome),男性为XY,女性为XX。在生殖细胞(generative cell)中,男性生殖细胞染色体的组成:...
chromosome mosaicismThe 45,X/46,XY mosaicism shows a wide spectrum of phenotypes ranging from females with Turner syndrome, male or female pseudohermaphroditism, to appearently normal male development. Chromosome anomalies accompanying Turner syndrome were found in lymphocyte cultures of 236 patients. ...
性细胞如精子、卵子等是单倍体,染色体数目只是体细胞的一半。哺乳动物雄性个体细胞的性染色体对为XY,雌性则为XX。鸟类、两栖类、爬行类和某些昆虫的性染色体与哺乳动物不同:雄性个体的是ZZ,雌性个体为ZW。发展历史 染色体(chromosome)来自希腊语χρῶμα(色度,“颜色”)和σῶμα(体细胞,“体”)...
在柳属(Salix)中,已经确定了15XY→15ZW的性系统转换,但是性染色体之间的演化关系尚不明确。近日,辰山植物园(中国科学院分子植物科学卓越创新中心辰山科学研究中心)雌雄异株植物研究组在植物学顶级期刊“New Phytologist”(一区TOP,五年影响因子10.5)上发表题为“Gap-free X and Y chromosome assemblies ofSalix ar...
在性别决定上,XX为雌,XY为雄。过去C.E.Mcclung(1901)在昆虫中曾将此命名为副染色体(accessory chromosome)。通过多倍体、异倍体实验证明,在果蝇的X染色体上可能具有导致雌性性征发育的基因,但也有可能是X染色体作为整体来决定雌性性别;而由常染色体决定雄性性别。在包括人类在内的高等哺乳类中,雌性个体细胞...
XY, promotes the development of atherosclerotic lesions in multiple mouse models and this is associated with profound dyslipidemia, enhanced adiposity, and augmented dietary fat bioavailability. While gonadal hormones also regulated some of these factors, the pronounced effects of XX sex chromosome ...
雌性哺乳动物有两条X染色体(XX) ,而雄性只有一条X染色体,另一条是Y染色体(XY) 。这种不同会导致一种潜在的失衡,相比于雄性,雌性体内的X染色体会有1000多个基因以两倍量表达。已有证据表明这种失衡会导致早期胚胎死亡。 神奇的是,为了避免这种会造成严重后果的基因表达失衡,哺乳动物进化出了一种有效的解决方案:在...
et al. A gene from the region of the human X inactivation centre is expressed exclusively from the inactive X chromosome. Nature 349, 38–44 (1991). This paper identifies the human XIST gene, based on its unique expression pattern and location within the candidate XIC region. Article CAS ...
The X Chromosome in the Male Sex Chromosomal Balance and Gender In most animal species, sex is determined by an X chromosome to autosome ratio (X:autosome) usually of 0.5. In mammals, however, it is the presence of a Y chromosome that is the primary signal for male sexual determination, ...