weave: Weave is a lightweight container overlay network that doesn't require an external K/V database cluster. (Please refer to weave troubleshooting documentation). kube-router: Kube-router is a L3 CNI for Kubernetes networking aiming to provide operational simplicity and high performance: it use...
基于Netis Telemetry 技术,实现业务流转发路径路况的可视与定位,实时评估全网健康度,实现故障聚合上报、分钟级溯源、链路SLA评估等,并提供原子级的开放能力。基于天旦BPC的业务视角,快速定位业务组件异常;基于天旦NPM跨域overlay/underlay的网络分析能力,迅速定位网络对业务的影响覆盖面,成功解决了云原生环境的业务性能监控难...
By separating OUTSIDE and INSIDE listeners, a host can communicate with clients outside the overlay network while still benefiting from it from within the swarm. In addition to the multiple-listener configuration, additional best practices for operating Kafka in a Docker Swarm include: Use "deploy...
"lost" was not translated to german - Hide "tap to start" by tapping on it - Added new game mode "Beat the developer" - Bug: Fixed the overlay being obstructed by the "background" on entrance animation - Bug: Fixed game buttons moving sometimes when different ad loads Version
chrome://quit/ chrome://restart/ chrome://flags/#overlay-scrollbars重叠式滚动条,开启后滚动条会自动缩放带有动画效果。 保存网页本地阅读: 输入chrome://flags/然后开启 Save Page as MHTML 按照提示重启 chrome 之后右击网页保存即可。 To be continued......