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Agenda Sunday 7 December 18:00-20:00 Welcome Banquet Venue: International Hall, Onehome Hotel, Wenzhou Scale: 350 attendees Monday 8 December 09:00-10:25 Opening Ceremony Venue: Multifunctional Room, Wenzhou Great Hall of the People Scale: 400 attendees Simultaneous interpretation in English an...
This article consider potential impact of the Presidency's influence on decision outcomes, by using the agenda-shaping powers. The main thesis is that a me... M Kleinowski - Athenaeum. Polskie Studia Politologiczne”, 2013, nr 37, s. 91-110. 被引量: 0发表: 2013年 ANALIZA POOENIA I ...
David Peel was a mainstay of the New York street music scene from the late '60s until his death on April 6, 2017. Many of his songs reflected his pro-marijuana agenda, and he was befriended by John Lennon, who mentioned him in "New York City" and produced his 1972 album, 'The Pope...
5 Should local communities be entitled to set the agenda, or should outside experts take control? =是应该由当地社团决定工作事项,还是由外面请来的专家控制这些资金? Should limited hunting be allowed in parks, or should they be put off limits? =野生动物园里应该允许有限制的打猎呢,还是禁止入内?
Elissa Slotkin News, Analysis and Opinion from POLITICO Facebook X congress Democrats 'need new blood,' congresswoman says « Previous pageNext page » Page: 1 2 3
国家/地区 巴西 语言 葡萄牙语 社交媒体 注册时间 2013-10-29 获取邮箱 收藏 数据已更新, 刷新 看看 参考报价 单个视频 $1.69万 预估cpm $6-$15 预估曝光量 160.79万+ 个人简介 canal oficial da dupla fred e gustavo.informaÇÕestelefone (62)3996-2333escritÓrio(62)3996-2333e-mail agenda@...
Cultural agenda . Consultation of news, . Notifications; . Sending of occurrences . Weather informations; . Water counter; . Sugestions; . Large item collection; . Pharmacies.阅读详细信息 无用户审阅 排序方式 最有帮助添加审阅 还没有人审阅过此应用程序。成为第一个添加审阅的人。 详细信息以1 语言...
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