If you have a Wyze Cam Outdoor, you can download the Wyze app update from the Play Store link below and try out the new features. However, you'll need to update the camera to firmware version and the base station to firmware version Along with the new features, ...
"wyzecam" = "wyzecam.__main__:app" [tool.poetry.dependencies] python = "^3.7" importlib_metadata = {version = "^1.6.0", python = "<3.8"} typer = {extras = ["all"], version = "^0.3.2"} rich = "^9.8.2" [tool.poetry.dev-dependencies] darglint = "^1.5.8" isort = "^...
To maintain optimal performance, regularly check for updates both for the Wyze Cam v4 and the Wyze app. These updates often include new features, performance enhancements, and crucial security improvements. Regularly clean the camera lens to ensure clear video quality. With these steps, your Wyze ...
Mobile app updates aside, Wyze's Cam v3 has also received some love from the company. The latest version adds new settings for the garage door controller trigger duration. Apart from the Cam v3, the Garage Door Controller has also received an update. Version adds support...
SD card install only works when your camera is running firmware before version (WyzeCamV2) or (WyzeCam Pan). You will need an SD card for this purpose. Size of the SD card doesn't matter. To do the installation, follow these steps: ...
I have two cameras: WyzeCam301 and WyzeCam302 Wyze-Bridge appears to be working, but it will not start my first camera (301). It starts the second camera (302) fine. Is the program looping through and only creating stream for the last camera it finds?
SD card install only works when your camera is running firmware before version (WyzeCamV2) or (WyzeCam Pan). You will need an SD card for this purpose. Size of the SD card doesn't matter. To do the installation, follow these steps: ...