Affordable, top-rated private tutors in 300+ subjects on Wyzant. Trusted by 3 million students with our Good Fit Guarantee.
The Wyzant App makes it easy for parents and students to instantly connect with expert tutors for in-person and online lessons. - Find your ideal tutor: We have more tutors covering more subjects than anywhere else. Easily compare tutors and their ratings, student reviews, backgrounds, and fees...
I find Wyzant to be a brilliant way for students to find qualified tutors. As a tutor, this eliminates the tedious process of looking for a steady source of clients. Wyzant does all the work for you. All you have to do is create a profile and students will contact you. – Jamie...
Why should I schedule my online lessons on Wyzant? How can I help students prepare for their first online lesson? Can I use the Wyzant Learning Studio with my students outside of Wyzant? What should I do after my online lesson is complete?
The Wyzant App makes it easy for parents and students to instantly connect with expert tutors for in-person and online lessons. - Find your ideal tutor: We have more tutors covering more subjects than anywhere else. Easily compare tutors and their ratings, student reviews, backgrounds, and fees...
Wyzant 企业服务 网络服务 企业IT服务 所属公司:Wyzant 当前融资轮次:并购 成立日期:0000-00-00 所属地:伊利诺斯 简介:Wyzant提供了一个广泛的数字网络,其中包含来自广泛的学术和专业领域的65,000多名导师。该公司将学生与完美的导师联系起来,以针对他们的独特需求进行在线或面对面的课程。Wyzant的导师为所有年龄和...
BETTER GRADES ARE A TAP AWAY The Wyzant App makes it easy for parents and students to instantly connect with expert tutors for in-person and online lessons. -…
BETTER GRADES ARE A TAP AWAY The Wyzant App makes it easy for parents and students to instantly connect with expert tutors for in-person and online lessons. -…
帮导师学员实现对接的教育培训平台WyzAnt刚获得了来自Accel Partners的2150万美元A轮融资,这也是它自2005年成立后接受的首次外部融资。 WyzAnt是大而全的对接平台,是在美份额靠前的平台之一,自成立后每年约有120%的业务增长。目前它已积累约85万个家教的评分和评价数据,覆盖从K-12教育、考前培训和乐器培训等等众多学...
WyzAnt Description Each individual who applies ("Applicant") will be required to write an essay in English of no more than 300 words answering the question: "If you could teach everyone in the world one thing, what would it be?" The essay must be the sole original work of the Applicant...