Editor.js工作区由单独的区块组成:段落、标题、图像、列表、引号等。它们中的每一个都是由 Plugin 提供的独立元素(或更复杂的结构)并由 Editor's Core 连结。 干净的数据 Editor.js 输出干净的json数据而不是 HTML 标记,虽然对浏览器来说,HTML 是更直观的,但对服务器来说,json更精简更关注内容本身,易于重复...
1、访问下面地址下载语言包 https://www.froala.com/wysiwyg-editor/languages 2、引入语言包配置wysiwyg-editor 1、引入zh_cn的语言包 2、配置 language: ‘zh_cn’ $(function() { $('#content').froalaEditor({ height: 300, imageUploadURL: '/admin/goods/uploadImg', language: 'zh_cn' }) });...
The Text Editor in JS manages the undo/redo action history to store editing actions, and also to customize the undo steps. Print text editor content Print the WYSIWYG Rich Text Editor content either by using the print option from the toolbar or programmatically with applied format style.Touch...
引入wysiwyg-editor 字体,css,jquery,js,汉化包 <!-- Include Editor style. --> <!-- 引入jquery --> <!-- Include Editor JS files. -->
nodejs或者express 或者 koa中可以使用百度的富文本编辑器UEditor 但是Egg.js中直接用百度的富文本编辑器UEditor 的话还需要很多额外配置非常麻烦。 下面的话给大家推荐一款Egg.js富文本编辑器 wysiwyg-editor的使用。 一个设计精美的基于HTML5的WYSIWYG HTML编辑器,它非常小但是非常强大。我们不仅可以在nodejs中使用它...
6 Quick Steps to Integrate Rich Text Editor with Vue.js: 1 Create a RichText.vue file and add an empty container for RichText with the ref attribute 2 Import files and styles of RichText 3 Set the list of used RichText configuration properties and their types ...
The #1 WYSIWYG Editor updated with new features, redesigned UI.Rich Text Editor is a full-featured Javascript WYSIWYG HTML editor. It enables content contributors easily create and publish HTML anywhere: on the desktop and on mobile.View Demos Download Full-Featured Rich Text Editor for Your Apps...
as well. --> <textarea></textarea> <!-- Include Editor JS files. --> <!-- Initialize the editor. --> new FroalaEditor('textarea'); Load from CDN as an AMD module Froala Editor is compatible with AMD module loaders such as RequireJS. The following example shows how to load...
Froala Editor V3 Froala WYSIWYG HTML编辑器是有史以来最强大的JavaScript富文本编辑器之一。 Slim-只添加你需要的插件(30+官方插件) 客户端框架集成 PHP、Node.JS、.NET、Java和Python的服务器端sdk 代码注释良好 最新联机文档 扩展简单-这些插件都有很好的注释,很容易作为你自己插件的基础使用 维护良好-频繁发布 ...
wysiwyg.js jQuery FontAwesome (或 JPG/PNG/GIF/SVG 图片) wysiwyg.js-API // create wysiwyg: var wysiwygeditor = wysiwyg({ element: document.getElementById('editor-id'), onkeypress: function( code, character, shiftKey, altKey, ctrlKey, metaKey ) { ...