CKEditor 4 React integration 2.0.0 provides deep integration of CKEditor 4 and React that lets you use the native features of the WYSIWYG editor inside a React component.
import'react-draft-wysiwyg/dist/react-draft-wysiwyg.css'//react-draft-wysiwyg end state ={ showRichText:false,//react-draft-wysiwygeditorContent: '',//react-draft-wysiwygeditorState: '',//react-draft-wysiwyg}; 点击并拖拽以移动/** * * @react-draft-wysiwyg begin*/handleClearContent= () =...
React Rich Text Editor is the official CKEditor 5 React component. The component for quick integration of WYSIWYG editor into React based applications.
A bootstrap-style react component for wysiwyg editor.. Latest version: 0.0.9, last published: 8 years ago. Start using react-wysiwyg-editor in your project by running `npm i react-wysiwyg-editor`. There are no other projects in the npm registry using rea
{Editor}from'react-draft-wysiwyg';importdraftToHtmlfrom'draftjs-to-html';importhtmlToDraftfrom'html-to-draftjs';constFormItem=Form.Item;constOption=Select.Option;constRangePicker=DatePicker.RangePicker;// 创建开盘classKpInfoextendsReact.Component{constructor(){super();this.state={editorState:Editor...
React SummerNote 是一個 React 版本的 WYSIWYG 的 rich text editor,基於SummerNote建構 Stable Version:v2.3.13 版本修改紀錄:Changelog Online Demo 上面連結是一個 React SummerNote 的基本展示 Package Dependencies React SummerNote 依賴以下套件 必要套件 ...
react-draft-wysiwyg富文本组件 importReact, {useState,useEffect}from'react' import{EditorState,convertToRaw,ContentState,Modifier}from'draft-js' import{Input,message}from'antd' // import{Editor}from'react-draft-wysiwyg'...
Use Froala editor right away with your existing tech stack. JavaScript React Django Vue WordPress cakePHP Aurelia Gatsby JS Meteor JS Knockout JS Ember JS Yii Framework Other FrameworksSelect the best plan for you Subscription Perpetual FREE TRIAL $0 Perfect to test drive the editor with no ...
Vue.js, Angular, and React wrappers In order to equip developers with the right tool for web app creation, we provide special wrappers for our rich text editor based on the most popular frameworks. Besides Vue.js WYSIWYG editor, there is support for Angular and React. ...
最近用富文本编辑器做一个小功能,请问各位知乎大神,react版的wysiwyg-editor编辑器,怎么控制当前页面选中文本可以弹出toolbar?怎…显示全部 关注者1 被浏览122 关注问题写回答 邀请回答 好问题 添加评论 分享 暂时还没有回答,开始写第一个回答...