Wyoming doesn’t require all LLCs to obtain a general business license to operate. However, the state does require all businesses that sell taxed goods to obtain a sales tax license. You can get a sales tax license by applying online or by downloading the form and mailing it along with a...
They must have and maintain a registered agent, which has a physical street address in Wyoming; file annual report and pay annual license tax with the Wyoming Secretary of State every year; and renew the business license/permit periodically(if applicable). The annual report is due on the ...
an LLC with the Wyoming Secretary of State is $100 plus an additional $2 if you file online. That is the minimum amount it costs to start a Wyoming LLC, though you may need to budget for additional expenses, such as hiring an attorney, getting a business license and leasing office ...
In the State of Wyoming, no two businesses can register the same or "confusingly similar" names. Before you file any paperwork with the Wyoming Secretary of State, remember to conduct a business name search to determine availability. Jot down one or two alternatives, in case the name you ...
(nationwide search of all 50 official Secretary of State databases, $25 fee for unlimited searches for one day) Find more info on driving in Wyoming Use the SecStates custom web search tool. Free Nationwide Business Search (free commercial database of 28 million U.S. business locations with ...
When applying for a business license in Wyoming, your application will in many cases need to be accompanied by alicense bond. The purpose of the bond is simple: to protect the state and individuals against any fraudulent or unlawful business methods. ...
Business license Regardless of the business structure (LLC, limited partnership, corporation, etc.), most Wyoming contractors will have to register their businesses with theSecretary of State. Registration is fairly straightforward as the Secretary of State allows users to register through anonline porta...
It’s one style of business structure that the Wyoming Secretary of State and Wyoming Department of Treasury accept. To do this, you need to fill out some Wyoming LLC paperwork, pay a filing fee, and may have to apply for business licenses as well. Your limited company may also have ...
The first time the bucking bronco graced Wyoming's plates was not until 1936. "I am NOT calling him Steamboat, and feel free to quote me on that," declared McKee, who argues that Lester Hunt, the Secretary of State for Wyoming who proposed changes to the state license plates in 1935, ...
president of the United States from 2001 to 2009 under George W. Bush. He held many other positions in government before his time as Vice President, including White House Chief of Staff, Secretary of Defense, and Representative for Wyoming. He was chairman and CEO of Halliburton from 1995 to...