In the first unit I had a buck antelope license and an antlerless deer license. My son had two doe/fawn antelope licenses, and an antlerless deer license for a total of five animals between us. We were able to fill those licenses. The landowner also took us prairie dog shooting one af...
Morning, got 8 points and thinking about time to start trying to draw. Question being anyone willing to share information about general area's to look at. I'm pretty self contained with either wall tent or toy hauler with quads or s/s. 69 so there are some limitations and do understand...
USDI [United States Department of the Interior] (2014) WY-050-11-01 Consolidated appeal decision on final grazing decision involving the arapahoe creek, antelope hills and alkali creek sheep allotments. Office of the Regional Solicitor, Denver Google Scholar USGAO [United States General Accounting...
• Find a unit with overlapping seasons where we can have as many tags in our pocket as possible. Elk, deer and pronghorn would be ideal but so far it’s looking like 2 out of 3 might be as good as we can get. Our points: 12 deer, 9 elk and 7 antelope. Already applied for ...