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The Official Wynncraft Wiki is a complete resource for Wynncraft, the MMO-RPG Minecraft server, including quests, bosses and provinces.
Location Nivla Woods X -226 Z -1500 Wynncraft Map All other Wynn Plains Discoveries found 6,000 20 DesertA set of Secret Discoveries were added to the Desert of Almuj and the Mesa in the 1.18 Economy Update. These discoveries primarily concern the ancient empire that once spanned the dese...
Location Maltic -548, 48, -1924 Wynncraft Map Maltic Citizen: Now that you have defeated the witch, where will your adventure take you next? Maltic Citizen: I think you might be just the person to tackle the nest of spiders in Nivla Forest. Maltic Citizen: Spiders have been hunting ...
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腐化的根源是個21等,長度中,以介紹失去的庇護所地下城副本及Garoth為中心的任務。 Pottur、Dumble和Dure他們有個任務需是要找到在失落的聖所裡的Garoth,但是他們無法打開這個地下城。為此Pottur請你幫助他們找到Garoth的故事,才有辦法了解移開這塊封住地下城入口岩石的
Ragni 附近的 Jenprest 中尉需要幫忙。 位置 Jenprest -890, 60, -1874 Wynncraft Map ↵對話: Jenprest:士兵!你來的正是時候。我們找人找很久了。 Jenprest:看起來在下水道裡有一條堵塞住的水管。難怪沒有人想要做這份工作。 Jenprest:你的手等下一定會弄髒。因為我需要你幫我清理堵塞物。
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Preface My suggestion is to add damage test dummies. they have infinite health but when a spell is used on them it displays on top for 3-5 seconds...