Detlas Citizen: The only way to get to Troms without being a member of the city is through the Great Bridge, which lies beyond the frozen plains. Detlas Citizen: Along the only way to Nesaak, you'll also find the Roots of Corruption, where the undead first broke out. I'd stay away...
Temple of the legends 任务重置装修了 Elkurn添加Mt Wynn (是一个山.并且任务需要进入这座山的洞穴)Mage Island 重置添加了大量的洞穴Great Bridge 重置---怪物变化---怪物系统重置多样化的怪物(现在你能看见那些水方块呀.岩浆块的怪物了)怪物会使用魔法了增加了更多的刷怪点血条显---VIP的变化就另开一帖,给...