Quest Bosses[] Wynn[] Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Quest Quest Level Drops Location Corrupted Renegade 1 12 Melee - - King's Recruit 1 - Ragni Underpass Blazing Skeletal Mage 2 32 Melee Meteor ✹ Dam - Ragni Underpass Corrupted Skeletal Mage 5 42 Melee Cha...
Ice Castle- A fortress of ice, residing atop the Islands' east mountain border. Its origins are a mystery. According to the lore of the questOne Thousand Meters Under, the Sky Islands area was once a continuous landmass known as the Ahms region until an unknown cataclysmic event. InThe Fal...
Citizens are non-quest NPCs found in cities and towns that tell the player about the area they are located in. Their dialogue can change based on quest completion, and in almost every case, different citizens will have different dialogue. They often serve to direct the player to explore ...