so there for, Wyd can be used on social as a short way to ask a question when you don't really have the time or just lazy to type out the full question
Model karty Nvidia lub AMDRtx Podaj ilość pamięci RAM w GB16 W którym trybie miało to miejsce?Ultimate Team™ W jakim trybie?Rivals Czy możesz wskazać dzień (DD/MM/RRRR), w którym wystąpił błąd?04.01.2024 O której godzinie wystąpił błąd?...
P5 Computer-assisted dosing of oral anticoagulants: the North Clwyd experience using Dawn-ACAn abstract is unavailable. This article is available as a PDF only.doi:10.1097/00001721-199710000-00049A. CraigD. C. ParryD. O. JonesD. I. Gozzard...
However, it should not be used to assess daily fecal fat losses in CF patients being pancreatic sufficient or pancreatic insufficient undergoing enzyme supplementation.Access through your organization Check access to the full text by signing in through your organization. Access through your organization...
2024年度校级“思政课程”和“课程思政”建设项目申报 主要工作要求如下: 详见校园网通知。 材料提交时间: 2024-10-12至2024-12-18 此次申报参与的项目类型如下,点击进入在线申报: 2024年度校级“思政课程”和“课程思政”建设项目
Scale values are numbers between 0 and 1 that represent a percentage of the sprite's size. 1 means 100% (full size), while 0.5 means 50% (half size). You can double the sprite's size by setting its scale values to 2, like this: cat.scale.x = 2; cat.scale.y = 2; Pixi has...
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主要工作要求如下: 1.上传材料:项目组对照申报书、任务书的实施进度进行自查,按要求填写中期检查报告书(附件2)并提交对应佐证材料(所有材料正文为小四宋体,行间距25;佐证材料须有较为规范的目录)后上传到系统对应位置。(登录--我的项目--本次要提交材料的项目--中期(阶段性)检查--对应提交中期报告书、佐证材料-...
v-model="" :class="{ '!border-red': errorFields?.name?.length }" type="text" placeholder="name" placeholder="Name" > <div v-if="errorFields?.name?.length" text-red> {{[0].message }} </div> </div> <div> age: Age <input v-model="form.age" :cla...
The 53-year-old actor is drawing of his own experiences of growing up in the village of North Cornelly, near Porthcawl, and the characters he knew. "It's a yarn told in the oldest form - the spoken word," he says of Under Milk Wood. "It's not about plot and intrigue but about...