WYBORY DO PARLAMENTU EUROPEJSKIEGO W POLSCE W 2019 ROKU - ASPEKTY PRAWNO-POLITOLOGICZNEdoi:10.26399/meip.3(78).2023.19/k.skrobiszEuropean Parliament elections are the second largest democratic elections in the world held in the European Union member states...
Wybory kontraktowe" w Polsce w czerwcu 1989 roku: peccatum originale u podstaw narodzin III Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej 来自 EBSCO 喜欢 0 阅读量: 38 作者: K Trembicka 摘要: The article addresses the last elections that took place in the Polish People's Republic in June 1989, the so ...
Moreover, in every society there is a certain fraction of voters abstaining from voting due to a lack of interest in the political life of the country.Górecki, DariuszActa Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Luridica
Contracting parties assumed that, for political reasons, they could manipulate the law. That "original sin" lies at the root of the Third Republic of Poland.Trembicka, Krystyna
Moreover, it concentrates both on organization and on election campaign process in Pozna艅 Voivodeship and focuses on the most important issues concerning activity of the Voivodeship and the District Public Security Offices.Tomasz Rochatka
Wybory niekonkurencyjne – dowody z elekcji lokalnych w PolsceMAYORAL electionsLOGISTIC regression analysisREGRESSION analysisCENTRAL banking industryLOCAL electionsCOMMUNITY banksUncontested elections/seats (i.e., elections in which the number of candidates is less than or equal...
Brexit a wybory do Parlamentu Europejskiego w 2019 roku. Rozwaania na tle wyborów w Polscedoi:10.32082/fp.v0i4(60).365The withdrawal of Great Britain from the European Union turned out to be important not only for the citizens of this country but for all Member States of ...