As a result, the position of president has been strengthened, because at the time of the political uniformity of the head of state, the head of government and the parliamentary majority, it is president who exercises de facto the control of the executive.Anna MaterskaSosnowskaSylwia Danielak...
Elity, marketing polityczny, wybory. Uwagi na marginesie wyborów prezydenckich i parlamentarnychWhile reflecting upon the most recent parliamentary and presidential elections in Poland, the author explores links between political marketing and political elites. The interrelations are put into four ...
There were also multimillion looses. Therefore, opposition MPs have submitted a draft resolution to set up a Sejm committee of inquiry to revise the matter.Szmyt, AndrzejActa Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Luridica
Zróżnicowanie przestrzenne zachowań wyborczych w miastach prezydenckich. Wybory sejmowe 2015The text presents the results of the survey concerning voting behaviour of residents of 107 main Polish cities in 2015 parliamentary election. Its aim is the analysis of dissimilarity of results concerning...