WYBORY PARLAMENTARNE W CZASIE PANDEMII COVID-19. PRZYKAD WYBORW LITEWSKICH W 2020 Rdoi:10.15804/athena.2021.69.13The subject of this article are the parliamentary elections in the Republic of Lithuania. An analysis of the course and institutional conditions of the el...
In this article I point to the three reasons for a dissolution of the Macedonian parliament in 2011: the conflict between the government and opposition private media, the inefficient foreign policy and the difficult economic situation. Based on the analysis of the last election's results I advance...
Wybory parlamentarne 2005r. PiS - 155 posłów i 49 senatorów; PO - 133 posłów i 34 senatorów; Samoobrona - 56 posłów i 3 senatorów; SLD - 55 posłów; LPR - 34 posłów i 7 senatorów; PSL - 25 posłów i 2 senatorów; Mniejszość Niemiecka - 2 posłó...
It does not mean that the level of political stability will always increase. Therefore, the function of "safety valve" is sometimes not performed.Andrzej Antoszewski
Moreover, in every society there is a certain fraction of voters abstaining from voting due to a lack of interest in the political life of the country.Górecki, DariuszActa Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Luridica
R. MarkowskiCześnik M., Markowski R. (2012), Wybory parlamentarne w 2011 roku - kontynuacja i zmiana, „Studia Polityczne" 2012, nr 29: 285-310.Cześnik M., Markowski R. 2012, Wybory parlamentarne w 2011 roku - kontynuacja i zmiana, „Studia Polityczne", nr 29....
Parliamentary elections in the Republic of Moldova were held on 24 February 2019. According to domestic and international observers, the election results did not reflect the real preferences of Moldovan voters. This assessment was a result of numerous violations (such as buyi...
Wybory parlamentarne 2007 roku – ciągły zamęt czy utrwalenie nowego rozłamu?A description of situation in the Polish political system after the 2007 parliamentary election constitutes the main purpose of the article. This system is analysed in a diachronic comparative perspective: the ...
Wybory parlamentarne w Indiach w 2014 r. : znaczenie dla polityki wewnętrznej i zagranicznejIn 2014, India held elections to the lower chamber of the parliament, the Lok Sabha(People's Assembly). For the first time since 1984, one party won more than 50 percent of the seats in the ...