Wyatt Earp: Return to Tombstone: Dirigido por Paul Landres, Frank McDonald. Con Hugh O'Brian, Bruce Boxleitner, Paul Brinegar, Harry Carey Jr.. Combining colorized footage from the television series The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp (1955) with new scene
Wyatt Earp: Return to Tombstone的演职员 ··· ( 全部16 ) 保罗·兰德斯 导演 弗兰克·麦克唐纳 导演 休·欧布莱恩 演员 布鲁斯·巴克林纳 演员 保罗·布里纳加 演员 马丁·科夫 演员 Wyatt Earp: Return to Tombstone的图片 ··· ( 图片1· 添加 ) 我要写短评 Wyatt Earp: Return to Tombstone...
Visit Tombstone onMemorial Day Weekendand enjoy the adventures of the old west with Wyatt Earp Days. This annual Memorial Day weekend celebration in “The Town Too Tough to Die” is much like stepping back in time. Men, women and children dress in 1880s Old West styles to celebrate the li...
导演:保罗·兰德斯弗兰克·麦克唐纳 剧情简介 :Combining colorized footage from the television series The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp (1955) with new scenes shot in Tombstone, Arizona, this film shows the return of the legendary former Marshal Wyatt Earp to his old stomping grounds. He visits ol...
片名Wyatt Earp: Return t...上映时间1994年07月01日(美国)导演 Paul Landr...Frank McDo...又名Wyatt Earp: Return to Tombstone 编剧 Daniel B. ... 主演 休·欧布莱恩布鲁斯·巴克林纳Paul Brinegar小哈里·凯瑞Bo Hopkins 剧情 Combining colorized footage from the television series 'The Life and ...
Uses interviews and family papers to offer an inside look at the life of Wyatt Earp and his actions in Tombstone, ArizonaGlenn G. Boyer
摘要: Wyatt Earp, leader of the so-called good guys, was charged with stealing horses in the Indian Territory in 1870 and jumped bail. Becoming a buffalo hunter and gambler, he got into several scrapes and earned a reputation as a......
The Gunfight at the OK Corral on 26 October 1881 is one of the most enduring stories of the Old West. It led to a series of violent incidents that culminated in the Vendetta Ride, in which Wyatt Earp, Doc Holliday, and several other gunslingers went after their rivals the Cowboys. Like...
简介 Combining colorized footage from the television series The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp (1955) with new scenes shot in Tombstone, Arizona, this film shows the return of the legendary former Marshal Wyatt Earp to his old stomping grounds. He visits old friends, teaches bad guys some mann...