Lam F, Ma C, Clifford B, Johnson CL, Liang Z-P (2016) High-resolution 1 H-MRSI of the brain using SPICE: Data acquisition and image reconstruction. Magn Reson Med 76:1059-1070 . doi: 10.1002/mrm.26019F. Lam, C. Ma, B. Clifford, C. L. Johnson, and Z.-P. L...
The Ernst‐angle FID MRSI data acquisition used in SPICE was extended to variable flip angles, with variable‐density sparse sampling for efficient encoding of metabolite T1 information. In data processing, a novel generalized series model was used to remove water and subcutaneous lip...
The growth however, varied with holding temperatures, spice levels, inoculation and beef samples. It was concluded that the use of the spice may be useful in köfte stored at the low temperature and prepared from beef with medium or high levels of fat.ATTILA...
A study is conducted to optimize the supercritical fluid extraction of spice paprika oil (oleoresin) using supercritical (SF) CO2 and subcritical propane as the solvents. The main focus is on carotenoid and tocopherol composition as the quality attributes of technological and nutritional interest. The...
The new hybrid X plant named 'Pumpkin Spice' with deeply-incised, palmately lobed foliage of variable coloration starting in the spring as bright orange with deep blood-red veins, transitioning to deep burgundy surrounding veins during flowering and burnt orange between the veins and in winter ...