She received the Best German Shortfilm Award on the international Shortfilm Festival at Oberhausen. For the realisation of the film project ALICE she received a DAAD grant and a production fund of the BKM. She postgraduated at the Academy of Media in Cologne. She lives in Paris and Cologne...
The second is centered on an M.Sc student's industrial internship and thesis, with support from DAAD, for the student to spend one year in Germany. The student is an employee of the Malaysian Institute for Road Safety Research (MIROS), on leave for two years whilst studying on the TGGS...
the PRD has been closely related to international influences and interwoven with popular culture from the beginning. Frequent exchanges between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, the impacts of Hong Kong’s popular culture, film, television and pop music concerning visual culture, coupled with a sensiti...
A couple of recent short projects, “South of Ten,” which premiered on Opening Night of the New York Film Festival in 2006 and deals with the post-Katrina Mississippi Gulf Coast; and “In the Air,” a portrait of a circus school in Johnson’s de-industrialized Ohio hometown, served as...
Dr. Haufe studied engineering with a strong focus on structural mechanics, statics, and dynam-ics at the University of Stuttgart and as a scholar of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) at the University of Calgary, Canada. After receiving his Ph.D. by the University of Stuttgart, he...
Project funded via DAAD in co-operation with the University of Madrid (1999-2000). Project in together with Daimler Chrysler, Germany (1999). Project in the Information Society Technologies (IST) Program for Research, Technology Development & Demonstration under the 4th and 5th Framework Program of...