6millionJews+5millionothers)4 When?•1939-1945•USinvolvement1941-1945 193919411945 Sept.1GermanyinvadesPoland(officialstarttothewar)5 Sept.3 -Britain&FrancedeclarewaronGermany Dec.7–JapanbombsPearlHarbor;USenterstheWar MayGermansSurrender Sept.AtomicBombingofHiroshima&Nagasaki,JapaneseSurrender Who?
It is only when he enters the U.S. military that Shelby’s eyes are opened to racial injustice. Shelby decides to be the best pilot in the entire war–convinced that his actions will be the most eloquent testament to his right to equal treatment....
CANADA ENTERS THE WAR At the outbreak of war, the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan was established in Canada to develop the air forces of Britain, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. It was under the direction of the Royal Canadian Air Force, costing the Canadian government over 1.5 bil...
11 Nock's Volley Gun_ Clearing the Decks in 08:06 North Korean Type 58 AK - YouTube 09:22 North China Type 19_ The Improved Nambu 10:21 Norwegian K98kF1 Repurposed Mauser - You 15:53 NotMine__FN_Auto_5_-_20_Gauge(720p) 06:00 Official Training Film War Department (1 14:34 ...
A black-and-white photograph snapped that day captured the emotion of many Americans at learning the long war was over. That photograph is mired in controversy 79 years later. When word of the Japanese surrender broke, people spilled into the streets of New York City from restaurants, bars an...
As the war turned in favor of the Allies, Thule moved their production facilities to a deep mine in Poland. They continued work on their discs with slave labor until the very end, at which time the mine was flooded then collapsed to prevent Allies from gaining access. It's believed that...
John Schwarz was among the fortunate in the 100th, known as the “Bloody One Hundredth” for its heavy losses. When the war ended in 1945, the Eighth Air Force, which included the 100th bomber group among 70-some bases in England, suffered more casualties (26,000) in WWII than the U...
As the World War II generation, dubbed the "Greatest Generation," slips into the annals of history, we must keep alive the memories of those who served the cause of world freedom and their families who sacrificed so much for America and humanity. ...
No sooner has one of us fallen than another enters the breach! The leaflet targets men from the Guangdong provincial fishing villages who had been drafted into the Republican forces. The image implies that they are dying like flies for the sake of the foreigners. As in the leaflet above, th...
They had no idea that the war was about to take a dramatic turn, one that would result in the U.S. Army's largest and bloodiest conflict of World War II: The Battle of the Bulge. Stunning, newly colorized combat and newsreel footage plus personal memoirs take us to the heart of a ...