There were also many German U boats in the vicinity of our islands and several times bombs were dropped in the hope of destroying these submarines. Space does not allow the complete history of the war. The Windward Islands were not considered important enough for an airport. However the KLM ...
respectively. But the proximate cause of most Latin American nations’ declaration of war (aside from the allure of theLend-Leaseprogram), was German submarine warfare in the Caribbean
the former having a range of some 14,200 yards (13,000 metres). Such armament could not be much more than defensive, the intention being that the AMCs should radio the position of the German ship and not only give merchant shipping a chance to escape but...
The most formidable naval weapons in both world wars, German submarines devastated trans-Atlantic shipping while sinking 8,000 merchant vessels and warships and killing tens of thousands. TheseU-boats(an abbreviation ofUnterseeboot, the German word for “undersea boat”) prowled the oceans in sear...
German rule. As the American military watched things unfold overseas and noted the advances worldwide in war technology and artillery reach, it adjusted its defense strategy to focus on protecting the Western Hemisphere from enemy fire nad hostile air bases in what has been coined the “hemisphere...
aircraft [right] was designed and engineered by a German engineer whose present whereabouts is unknown to him. He also assumed the secrets pertaining to this aircraft were captured by Allied Forces. He said this type of aircraft was responsible for the downing of at least one American B-26 ...
It was there that mathematician Alan Turing decoded messages encrypted by the Nazis' Enigma machine, in particular those sent by German U-boats submarines in the North Atlantic.Enigma cypherswere used by the Germans during World War II to scramble military communications and intelligence, to su...
German rule. As the American military watched things unfold overseas and noted the advances worldwide in war technology and artillery reach, it adjusted its defense strategy to focus on protecting the Western Hemisphere from enemy fire nad hostile air bases in what has been coined the “hemisphere...
German submarines began attacking shipping off the eastern coast of the United States in January 1942. America was poorly prepared for the onslaught. Cargo and tanker ships often steamed with their lights on, advertising themselves as sitting ducks. East Coast cities, not consistently blacked out ...
Ratzy.A German; a blend of “rat” and “Nazi.” Reg’lar.Regular; first-rate; excellent; a regular soldier. Retread.A veteran of World War I fighting in World War II. Ribbon Happy.Dazzled by one’s own decorations. Rock-Happy.Bored, especially on the rocky islands and atolls of the...