In 1944, some Western internees secretly planned an escape. Zhang Xingtai, who cleaned the latrines, and carpenter Liu Tengyun, were among the few non-Japanese allowed to enter and leave the camp. They helped convey messages to nearby Chinese anti-Japanese forces. With their assistance, Brit L...
One does not remember many of the events that have happened to them in their life. However, this White truck just inside the entrance to the display hall at the Iowa 80 Trucking Museum instantly brought back that piece of my childhood. Of the 130 trucks in the museum, this is the only...
increasing tensions at home and abroad. It would be years before the onset of WWII; however, a hint of ensuing international conflict set in when Japanese forces captured Manchuria in violation of the League of Nations in September 1931. The invasion put U.S. Secretary of State Henry L. Sti...
John Schwarz was among the fortunate in the 100th, known as the “Bloody One Hundredth” for its heavy losses. When the war ended in 1945, the Eighth Air Force, which included the 100th bomber group among 70-some bases in England, suffered more casualties (26,000) in WWII than the U...
(40,000 people) were killed immediately, and within 24 hours another 30,000 people would die. This frosted glass fragment bears tangible witness to this event, one of the most significant events in modern history and serves as a poignant and powerful reminder of the devastation of these ...
We must take into account that many of the written sources were made decades after the alleged events occurred. Another vital point to consider is the reliability of the main individuals that were allegedly involved in such projects. One such person was Rudolph Schriever, who after the war, ...
Victory in Europe could never have been achieved if not for the sacrifice of the Soviet Union in the eastern front. One of the Red Army’s major offensives came in the summer of 1944, and went by the name Operation Bagration. The offensive followed the events of D-Day on the Western ...
In the United States, February 3rdis Four Chaplains Day and commemorates the events of February 3, 1943, when the troop ship USAT Dorchester sank. Dorchester left New York on January 23, 1943, carrying 4 chaplains and about 900 other soldiers.? The story hit hard on the home front. ...
"I say, 'stay home,'" Whitaker said when asked about his reaction to the gesture. "We will never forgive Japan for its sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, and nothing they could ever do will ever alter the events of Dec. 7, 1941, a 'day of infamy.'" ...
As the campaign in the east faltered, Hitler’s tolerance for Halder reached an end, and he was dismissed as chief of staff in September 1942. During his retirement, he remained in contact with Beck, and this connection implicated him in the failedJuly Plotto assassinate Hitler in 1944. Ha...