If your heart is in aviation, you can accomplish anything, including building a first-class aviation museum filled with the finest examples of WW2 aircraft.
sources for information onaircraft crash sites, the directions on how to access theescape and evasion (E&E) reports online, the indexes to the lists ofDutchandBelgian/Luxemburgerhelpers, thelist of passengerson the Nazi Ghost Train/Phantom Train,links to other useful websites, and two Frequently...
This museum is well worth the stop for any person interested in Army trucks, small boats, aircraft, or rail stock. The U.S. Army has operated all types of this equipment to keep its troops supplied. I highly recommend this museum. According to museum records, this vehicle is serial ...
1941 Historical Aircraft Group Museum, 3489 Big Tree Lane. Office@1941HAG.org. 585-243-2100. www.1941hag.org/index.html July 14–15 • Willoughby, OH • A Gathering of Eagles XVI WWII and modern aircraft in flying and static displays; aircraft rides in a B-25. Admission: Check web...