Public records (Maintenance and repairThe article discusses the joint project of the British National Archives and the where service and pension records of 2.5 million soldiers of the British army of World War 1 will be available on the Internet. These historic war records are of...
MI9 aim was facilitating the escape of British prisoners of war (PoWs), and their return to the UK. They would train service personnel on escape and evasion techniques and help the morale of PoWs by remaining in contact with them during their captivity....
Webley Service Revolver MkIV .380 inch Pilots and certain other aircrew carried pistols when flying and the vast majority of these were .380 inch revolvers made by either Webley or Enfield. Early in the war, the pistol was a handy means of holing the fuel tank of an aircraft downed behind...
(Venn) [No mention of war service in records – SJW] Goodwin, Harold Desborough Born July 28, 1890, at Ilfracombe, Devon. Son of Albert Goodwin, RWS. Charter- house School. Admitted as pensioner at Trinity, June 25, 1908. BA 1912. Lieut., Middlesex Regiment, 16th Battalion. Killed ...