Debuted at the 1990 Survivor Series, The Deadman quickly became synonymous with the WWE, becoming one of the biggest faces of the company for over three decades, winning countless gold, and amassing an unmatched WrestleMania winning streak that would remain unbroken for over two ...
WWF’s return to Madison Square Garden for WrestleMania would have been a dreadfully poor affair. With how this company was going around this time, they’re so lucky to have booked those matches because
It’s hard to believe, but 35 years ago today, WrestleMania IV went down. This show, panned by many, is unique. It’s the first WrestleMania to feature a tournament. It’s the first Mania that Hulk Hogan didn’t wrestle in the main event and was the first Mania for many Superstars,...
Mike’s Thoughts:Pretty good match with a bad finish. The DQ finish is always a go to when you don’t want to beat the face but still want to keep the title on the heel, but this is WrestleMania. It just felt lazy. No creativity. Jarrett did get absolutely lit up by that kick f...
The nominees are: Brad Maddox and the Low Blow at Hell in a Cell; Sheamus beating Daniel Bryan in 18 seconds at Wrestlemania to win the World Title; Kofi saving himself at the Royal Rumble by walking on hi...
Debuted at the 1990 Survivor Series, The Deadman quickly became synonymous with the WWE, becoming one of the biggest faces of the company for over three decades, winning countless gold, and amassing an unmatched WrestleMania winning streak that would remain unbroken for over two de...
Debuted at the 1990 Survivor Series, The Deadman quickly became synonymous with the WWE, becoming one of the biggest faces of the company for over three decades, winning countless gold, and amassing an unmatched WrestleMania winning streak that would remain unbroken for over two ...
Debuted at the 1990 Survivor Series, The Deadman quickly became synonymous with the WWE, becoming one of the biggest faces of the company for over three decades, winning countless gold, and amassing an unmatched WrestleMania winning streak that would remain unbroken for over two dec...
Debuted at the 1990 Survivor Series, The Deadman quickly became synonymous with the WWE, becoming one of the biggest faces of the company for over three decades, winning countless gold, and amassing an unmatched WrestleMania winning streak that would remain unbroken for over two ...
Debuted at the 1990 Survivor Series, The Deadman quickly became synonymous with the WWE, becoming one of the biggest faces of the company for over three decades, winning countless gold, and amassing an unmatched WrestleMania winning streak that would remain unbroken for over two ...