Saturday Night’s Main Event #30 – 2/8/92 on FOX (8.2) – the first episode not to air on NBC; the first episode to run 1 hour instead of 90 minutes; featured Vince McMahon & Bobby Heenan on commentary; included footage from the final moments of the Royal Rumble in which Sid Jus...
-WWF Royal Rumble 1992 took place on Sunday, January 19th, 1992 at the Knickerbocker Arena in Albany, New York in front of 17, 000 fans. -This was the 5th Annual WWF Royal Rumble event. -Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby The Brain Heenan do commentary for the event. (At every single Royal R...
the debate was inspired by Randy Savage costing the Ultimate Warrior the world title at the Royal Rumble; during the segment, the Bushwhackers were portrayed as referees that were tied up in video film while trying to make a call; included Okerlund conducting a backstage interview with the Big...
1992/01/19 – Albany, NY –“ROYAL RUMBLE 1992″ 01. New Foundation vs. Orient Express 02. WWF Intercontinental Title: Roddy Piper vs. The Mountie 03. Beverly Brothers vs. The Bushwhackers 04. WWF Tag Titles: Natural Disasters vs. Legion Of Doom ...
Dibiase,Ric 天才(Ric Flair),肖恩 · 迈克尔斯(Shawn Michaels),Tatanka,承办人(Undertaker),横纲(Yokozuna),粉碎(Crush),杀手(Hitman),男子气的男人(Macho Man),先生. 完美(Mr. Perfect),自恋者(Narcissist),剃刀 Ramon(Razor Ramon)
wwf royal rumble 读音:美英 wwf royal rumble基本解释 王道摔跤 分词解释 WWFWorld Wrestling Federation royal王国的,王室的 rumble隆隆作响 wwf royal rumble是什么意思 wwf royal rumble怎么读 wwf royal rumble在线翻译 wwf royal rumble中文意思 wwf royal rumble的解释 wwf royal rumble的发音 wwf royal rumble...
声音(Sounds) / 环境声音(Ambient Sounds) / WWE 皇家隆隆声环境声音(WWE Royal Rumble Ambient Sounds) x1倍 ×0.7倍 ×1倍 ×1.5倍 ×2倍 ×2.5倍 ×3倍 在线编辑 音频编辑器 音频截取 格式转换 速度调节 音量调节 分享 举报 锅炉(boiler) WWE 皇家隆隆声环境声音 / loudshoutofjoy 下...
WWF Super WrestleMania (Genesis) (gamerip) (1992) WWF Wrestlemania - The Arcade Game (SNES) (gamerip) (1996) WWF Royal Rumble (Genesis) (gamerip) (1993) WWF Wrestlemania (Arcade) (gamerip) (1995) WWF Raw (Genesis) (gamerip) (1994) WWE 2K18 (PS4, Switch, Windows, Xbox On...
WWF Super Wrestlemania (SNES) (gamerip) (1992) WWF Raw (Genesis) (gamerip) (1994) WWF Royal Rumble (SNES) (gamerip) (1993) WWF Wrestlemania (Arcade) (gamerip) (1995) WWF Raw (SNES) (gamerip) (1994) WWF Wrestlemania - The Arcade Game (SNES) (gamerip) (1996) WWE 2K18...