Kids say the craziest things, so I’m sure many of you had unusual aspirations at a young age. Read for my answer to this question and let me know yours.
It didn't make any sense. The most annoying part is that after a wrestler has really been beaten up they can still hop right up after a big move is done on them. Don't expect any of the fun that you had with WWF No Mercy or Wrestlemania 2000. Graphics: The only thing going for...
Scott:This was fascinating for a few reasons. First, the WWF combined with UFC to make a “gimmick” match with some teeth. Second, the match was actually at the Paramount Theater, on the other side of the Garden. The quaintness of the setting made for pretty good psychology. Plus, bot...
Fun Fact III:After losing another title match to the New Age Outlaws on Raw shortly after No Way Out, Hawk and Animal started arguing and brawling with each other. They walked out, intent on never teaming together again. They re-unite on this night with Sunny as their new manager. Scott...
Ashley and her co-workers from the Boys & Girls Club couldn't wait to tell us about the mom of one of their club members. Imelda's a single mom with three kids still living at home.