So not only did we not get into the event as VIP we had to wait in line to get tickets after the doors had open. Last in line to get into the building, last in line to get food, last in line to even buy merch, which was also sold out on the better items. Does all of this...
WCW @ Miami, FL – Knight Center – January 15, 1996Monday Nitro – featured Gene Okerlund conducting an impromptu in-ring interview with the Four Horsemen – WCW World Champion Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Brian Pillman, & Chris Benoit and the Dungeon of Doom – Kevin Sullivan, the Giant, ...
The box people had some issues w printing tickets out, we got to wait for physical tickets and it took very long time. In past online review, vip tickets include some souvenir packages and a chair where you sat. The souvenir packages wasn't there and I'm hoping it'll be shop to my...