Thewomen of the WWE "Divas Era" were the most glamorous, beautiful, fierce women in sports entertainment and their influence is still felt among women wrestling today across not just WWE, but all companies. From mixing it up in the ring in a variety of gimmick matches, such as bra and p...
Official World Wrestling (Wwe) Divas Calendar 2012october
9. Lita | Tattoo: Three-eyed demon | Location: Right arm Lita is remembered for being one of the most accomplished Divas in WWE history — and also one of the most devious ones. It's fitting, then, that her sinister side is on display with a three-eyed demon tattoo on her right ar...
Some might say Vince got that way after a few earlier scandals and then once the Divas got introduced into the business. He also was accused of many other unethical things but seriously, I never imagined him being “forced out” in a way. Never. I always thought he’d be around in WW...