因为WWE的时代发展简略如下:从1953年杰斯麦克曼与图茨蒙特创建(杰斯麦克曼去世后由老文斯麦克曼接手)并加入NWA的Capital Wrestling Corporation(CWC),到1963年老文斯麦克曼的World Wide Wrestling Federation(WWWF),再到1979年文斯麦克曼的World Wrestling Federation(WWF),最后转变为2002年至今的World Wrestling Entertainme...
以前摔角比赛会把冠军头衔成为腰带(Belt或Strap),后来就不允许了,现在WWE选手都把冠军头衔成为“championship”,理由是用腰带这个词太过生活化。据说当年CM朋克在一期Raw还说明明就是“wrestling belt”,也不知道他有没有被公司罚款。 WWE除了每周的节目,每个月的PPV赛事外,还要现场秀,这个是不在电视播出的,WWE把现场...
WWE Undisputed Universal Championship Belt (2024) Toy Belt Regular price£25 Add to bag "The American Nightmare" Cody Rhodes ... Action Figure Regular price£12 Add to bag "The American Nightmare" Cody Rhodes ... Action Figure Regular price£25 ...
The WWE Universal Championship was established back in 2016. This was introduced as the main Championship for RAW during the brand extension. The first Champion was Finn Balor, who defeated Seth Rollins at Summerslam 2016 to become the inaugural Champion. He had to relinquish the Title the next ...
④当称呼我们公司为WWE时,不允许在前面加定冠词the,例:the WWE。 ⑤请不要使用术语"职业摔跤(professio nal wrestling)",而是使用WWE或体育娱乐(Sports Entertainment)来描述我们。 ⑥WWE冠军(Championship)或WWE头衔(Title)是冠军的合适称呼,不允许称其为"皮带(belt)"或"皮带(strap)"。
WWE INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPIONSHIP首先果断要介绍IC冠军,也就是洲际冠军头衔。IC腰带在WWE中绝对享有比较重要地位。虽然是一条2线腰带,但是只要拿到了这个腰带,就说明你从ROOKIE或3线马上上升到了2线,而且离上位离拿一线腰带不远了~。WWE大部分选手也是这样过来的,没上位前其他腰带可以不拿,但是IC腰带一定要拿几次。
Pentagon Jr,(1985年2月26日出生)是墨西哥Luchador enmascarado(蒙面职业摔跤手),目前正在为Lucha Underground(在其擂台名为Pentagon Dark)进行比赛,他曾是两届Lucha地下摔角冠军,效力Impact Wrestling期间曾击败Austin Areis获得一次的Impact世界冠军,他还为Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide(AAA)和Consejo Mundial de Lucha Lib...
In order for your ranking to be included, you need to belogged inand publish the list to the site (not simply downloading the tier list image). 🔀 Remix this ListGo to Template G.O.A.T Awesome Good Okay Bad Awful Best Best WWE/WWF/NXT Championship Belt Design Ranking last updated: ...
但值得注意的是,“Wrestling(摔跤)”这个词其实也是WWE的禁词之一,不过在兰迪和艾吉的这段剧情中,“Wrestling(摔跤)”和“Wrestler(摔角手)”这两个词也频繁出现,想必也是公司为他们开了绿灯。 根据国外媒体统计,以下词汇均为WWE节目的禁词: Belt(腰带)
during the last 34 seconds of the bout, Micheals was trapped in the Sharpshooter but refused to submit; voted Pro Wrestling Illustrated’s Match of the Year (Shawn Michaels: The Heartbreak Express Tour, Shawn Michaels: From the Vault, The History of the WWE Heavyweight Championship, Shawn Micha...