Then any team could win and all losing teams would stay strong so that feuds could continue past Mania and towards Backlash. Very good match from Naomi VS Chelsea, and a fitting move for Naomi to win. That combined with the “new evidence” promo adds some more intrigue to the tag title...
Should wwe 2k25 be on Xbox series X and ps5 only along with pc next year cause if 2k does that then they will face probably a lot of backlash from the players who like playing them on the Xbox One and ps4 only 2 Up 2 Down Tanuuj Srivastava · 1 years ago THE ROCK 02 NEEDS...
Bianca coaches Naomi, Raquel coaches Liv, but Naomi goes to the corner. Liv runs in, Naomi goes up, but Liv stops the kick! But not the rebound ENZIGIRI! Naomi rallies on Liv with elbows and uppercuts! Naomi slides under the lariat, mule kicks Liv, then AX KICKS her! Naomi SPANKS ...