Lokale co-op (2-4) Xbox Online co-op (2-4) Lokale multiplayer (2-6) Xbox Online multiplayer (2-8) 4K Ultra HD Eén speler Gedeeld/gesplitst beeldscherm 60+ fps Geoptimaliseerd voor Xbox Series X|S Edities vergelijken DEZE EDITIE WWE 2K24 Cross-Gen Digital Edition € 74,99+ Spel...
WWE 2K24 Cross-Gen Digital Edition € 74,99+ Spellen opgenomenWWE 2K24 voor Xbox Series X|SWWE 2K24 voor Xbox OneTERUG NAAR BOVEN WWE 2K24 Bray Wyatt bundel € 89,99+ Spellen opgenomenWWE 2K24 voor Xbox Series X|SWWE 2K24 voor Xbox One Invoegtoepassingen opgenomenWWE 2K24 Bray...
The Cross-Gen Edition includes WWE 2K24 for Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One. Pre-order* the Cross-Gen Digital Edition of WWE 2K24 and receive the digital-only version of WWE 2K23, the Nightmare Family Pack featuring Undashing Cody Rhodes with his iconic cowl and mask, vintage ‘76 Dusty...
备受期待的摔跤游戏《WWE 2K24》即将于3月8日震撼发布,为摔跤迷们带来前所未有的游戏体验。随着游戏发布日期的临近,有关该游戏是否将登陆Xbox Game Pass的传闻也愈演愈烈。《WWE 2K24》作为摔跤游戏系列的最新力作,预计将带来诸多创新和改进。庞大的摔跤手名单、精美的画面效果以及紧张刺激的战斗系统,都将让玩家...
WWE 2K24 发售:2024-03-08 (PC) 官网:暂无 语言:英文 | 其他 类型:动作游戏 开发:Visual Concepts 平台:PC PS5 XboxSeriesX 9.8 已有1人评分您还未评分! 摔角狂热(WrestleMania)是体育娱乐界最盛大的赛事,超级明星将在这里成为WWE传奇人物。在2K Showcase of Immortals中复刻摔角狂热那些扣人心弦的伟大时刻,重...
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备受期待的摔跤游戏《WWE 2K24》即将于3月8日震撼发布,为摔跤迷们带来前所未有的游戏体验。随着游戏发布日期的临近,有关该游戏是否将登陆Xbox Game Pass的传闻也愈演愈烈。 《WWE 2K24》作为摔跤游戏系列的最新力作,预计将带来诸多创新和改进。庞大的摔跤手名单、精美的画面效果以及紧张刺激的战斗系统,都将让玩家...
26XboxGames $22.05Original price was: $22.05.Current price is: $19.98. • Pre-order WWE 2K24 for Xbox One to get the Nightmare Family Pack with exclusive characters and MyFACTION cards • Relive 40 years of WrestleMania history in the 2K Showcase of the Immortals ...
WWE 2K24is available now on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC. If you’re looking to watch some real matches, tune in to Wrestlemania XL this weekend,streaming live on Peacock. Editors’ Recommendations WWE 2K25’s bloody new match type is its ‘Final Destination, no items...
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