Women's Wear Daily brings you breaking news about the fashion industry, designers, celebrity trend setters, and extensive coverage of fashion week.
Women's Wear Daily brings you breaking news about the fashion industry, designers, celebrity trend setters, and extensive coverage of fashion week.
Natalie Portman Makes a Powerful Sartorial Statement for Dior Paris Fashion Week Spring 2025 Show Arrival Portman's look comes courtesy of Dior's cruise 2025 collection. By Julia Teti Sep 24, 2024, 1:38pm Icon Linkgallery iconview gallery ...
在成立四十周年之际,致力于弘扬来自英国萨维尔街定制业务传统、为年轻设计师提供国际舞台的伦敦时装周,正通过更加创新的平台视角和多元形式,从 T 台、静态展、数字平台到主题论坛、派对等等...展示男装品牌及市场的多样性。 英国时尚协会首席执行官 Caroline Rush 表示:“这场名为‘London Fashion Week June’的时装...
东京:tokyo-mbfashionweek.com Chictopia.com 这是一个个性化时装的分享社区,成立于2008年。千变万化,彰显个性的时装搭配你都能在这里看得到。不过前提是,你一定要穿出自己的个性和风格,称为真正值得推崇的潮流典范。 Business of Fashion.com Business of Fashion总部位于英国伦敦,这家公司为消费者提供时尚产业的...
龙城还建造了元宇宙首个汉服博物馆,本届元宇宙时装周期间,将首次举办汉服时装周Hanfu Fashion Week。 龙城的元宇宙歌剧院将举办作曲家Alastair White和他最新的时尚歌剧。博物馆区将与布宜诺斯艾利斯政府合作,展示世界著名歌剧院科隆剧院的虚拟副本。 DUNDAS与DressX合作打造巴黎时装周的最新造型并提供一系列全新的可...
时尚网站 #WWD# 专题介绍 @新加坡网上时装周 即将与#英国文化协会#合作,於新加坡举行#DigitalFashionWeek#,更多#时装周#内容可浏览: http://t.cn/z8LMDIK
The article discusses various reports published within the issue including the business updates for the New Albany, Ohio-based retailer Abercrombie & Fitch Co., calendar of events for the New York Fashion Week, and business condition of Fortunoff which laid off staffs in its Long Island, New ...
beauty and retail. Featuring daily headlines and breaking news from all Women's Wear Daily publications, WWD provides the most comprehensive coverage anywhere of fashion, beauty and retail news and is the leading destination for all fashion week updates and show reviews fromNew York,Paris,Milanand...
The article accords little space to the many other creative talents who showed during Paris Fashion Week and it was about so much more than “Hedi vs. Raf.” Finally, to caricature the arrival of Hedi Slimane at Yves Saint Laurent to a banal rivalry with another house or designer encourages...