By12 On Your Side Digital Team A man has been charged with murder after a 15-year-old girl was found shot to death inside a car over the weekend. National Tom Llamas to succeed Lester Holt as NBC “Nightly News” anchor Updated: Mar. 6, 2025 at 4:44 AM GMT+8 ...
News from 12 On Your Side is available to you online, on your TV apps and your smartphones all day, every day. First Alert Weather Blog First Alert Weather Day Sunday: Severe storms possible RVA Parenting Are Central Virginia schools at risk for a measles outbreak? is the associated website for the TV news station that provides local and national news and sports, weather, traffic, and entertainment. Read our profile on the United States government and media. Funded by / Ownership WWBT – Richmond is owned by Gray Television, which operates ...
NBC (WWBT 12) affiliate also serving Richmond, Chesterfield, Henrico, Hanover, Petersburg, Hopewell, Dinwiddie, Prince George, Charles City, Powhatan, Amelia, Cumberland, Sussex, King & Queen, Louisa, Hopewell, Chester, Goochland, Caroline, King William and New Kent. WWBT NBC12 News更新内容...
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【1月12日赛事综述】今天NBA只进行了四场比赛,因为极端天气和洛杉矶山火,火箭vs老鹰、马刺vs湖人、黄蜂vs快船的比赛均被延期。在结束的四场比赛中:布克34分太阳战胜爵士,活塞战胜猛龙,莫兰特准绝杀,灰熊战胜森林狼,希罗32分热火客场战胜开拓者,一起来回顾今天的赛况!#NBA每日综述# #2025NBA全明星投票# NBA超话【...
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