they were ½-ton, 4-wheel drive, capable of universal use, and lighter than the preceding vehicle. These more recent Field Ambulances were now allocated to field units, such as Infantry, Cavalry, and Armored Divisions. Because of their improved field performance and larger patient capacity, th...
By 1944 the German WW2 armies fielded several types of infantry and armored divisions, and therefore different types of regiments. There were maneuver regiments and static (defensive) regiments, plus panzer, panzer grenadier (mechanized infantry), and parachute regiments. A representative infantry re...
German Reich (1936-1945) Heavy Armored Car – 490 to 495 Built The Schwerer Panzerspähwagen (Fu) Sd.Kfz.232 (8 Rad) (Eng. Heavy Reconnaissance [Radio] Vehicle Sd.Kfz. 232 [8 Wheels]) was a heavy armored reconnaissance car developed by Nazi Germany during the mid-1930s, produced ...
After the usual amount of billet shifts, a certain routine existence was established and personnel began to gradually learn something of English life. Britain was ‘blitzed’, rationing was enforced, and more US troops came in. Drinking habits and the type of beverages offered differed a lot fr...
) Light Tank – 45 Built In the summer of 1938, the German Army (Heer) authorised the development of a new model of the Panzer II light tank in an effort to create a more mobile armored fighting vehicle that could supplant its technologically inferior predecessors in the Panzer Divisions. ...
Germany US 2nd Armored Division moved into Berlin, Germany to take over the American Zone. [Berlin | TH]3 Jul 1945 Photo(s) dated 3 Jul 19454 Jul 1945 Germany British 7th Armored Division entered Berlin, Germany to occupy the British Zone. [Berlin | TH] General Omar Bradley took co...
Edward Brooks arrived in Normandy, France ahead of his US 2nd Armored Division.ww2dbase[Edward Brooks|Basse-Normandie|CPC] Photo(s) dated 8 Jun 1944 9 Jun 1944 Photo(s) dated 9 Jun 1944 10 Jun 1944 France Johannes Hähle passed away in La Biljude, Calvados, Basse-Normandie, France.ww2...
The base game contains 21 tanks, armored vehicles, and self-propelled guns, from across the US, German, and Soviet forces, based on original construction documents and discussions with tank museums. Each vehicle is made up of hundreds of parts that can be individually reconditioned or replaced...
(Eng: Case Yellow) which aimed to occupy France and the Low Countries. Paratroopers landed near The Hague and Rotterdam, while German divisions crossed the eastern border into a country that had not seen war for over a hundred years. During several days of fighting, Dutch armored cars played...
Again US Soldiers and coalition forces went forward one more time to liberate, and defend an oppressed people.. To Our troops: Airborne, Cavalry, Armored and Infantry Divisions, the Seal Teams & Special OPs, the Marine Forces, the Navy Carrier Battle Groups, the Air Force Fighter & Bomb Win...