UK 1940-2 - Southern Comd, 1 AGRA N Africa 1943 - 1 AGRA Italy 1943-5 - 1 AGRA 358 Med Regt Ties in with Ipswich? Regards Adam Flatt, Dec 11, 2020 #5 Tricky Dicky Don'tre member For service records and what they look like I dont think the member will mind but this ...
Using a helicopter, Pearce salvaged the relatively well-preserved Fw 189 wreckage and transported it back to the UK for possible restoration. The aircraft was publicly displayed at the Biggin Hill Air Show in 1996, where pilot Lothar Mothes had the opportunity to see his lost aircraft once more...
Latest:Service Record decipheringdavidbfpo,Yesterday at 4:25 PM RSS Top Secret Discussions: 308 Messages: 2,365 Latest:Inside Porton Down: during three yrs at the UK’s CW labHarry Ree,Friday at 3:03 PM RSS WW2 Battlefields Today
Thread by:KBentley,Jun 12, 2024, 10 replies, in forum:Service Records Thread Finding Thomas JAMES, South Staffordshire Regiment Thomas James by Alex Young posted Jun 8, 2024 at 7:03 AM This is my great grandfather Thomas James. He was a Captain in the South Staffordshire... ...
armament projects from the 1920s to the end of the 1940’s, nearly all of which had previously been lost to history.Included here are records from the UK’s MI10 (the forerunner of GCHQ) which tell the story of the mighty Japanese heavy tanks and their service during the Second World ...
German Reich (1943-1944) Self-Propelled Mortar – Unknown number but possibly only a few converted During the Second World War, the German Army frequently faced a shortage of tanks. Fortunately for them, the defeated armies of France and Czechoslovakia left behind hundreds of tanks, which the ...
the end of the war approximately a quarter of a million women had served in the WAAF ranks, relieving an estimated 150,000 men for redeployment to front line services. This represented some 16% of overall RAF strength at the peak of the conflict, and 22% of RAF strength in UK Commands...
My father lived and returned to the UK where he had a family and was happy. Prinz Egmont was killed in 1944 with no family at the age 25. They were both young men doing there job, I ask myself who won? What is the cemetry that Ergmont is buried? I have my fathers memoirs if ...
countries occupied by the enemy, which culminated in the D Day landings. The Combined Operations Command was not to be distracted from its offensive operations task by the unfolding events of war as the three traditional services concentrated their resources in defence of the UK and her interests...
As he has an officers service number the file will include post WW1 service. His officer number was 60794 & the P is I think an MoD file prefix the meaning of which escapes me now. This is all ...