Combat Car M1 and M1A1 (Light Tank M1A2) United States of America (1937) Light Tank – 89 Built In the years prior to the Second World War, the US was in the process of forming its first armored formations. Their tank-producing industry was greatly hampered by a lack of funds, the ...
Kingdom of Italy The IV Battaglione Carri M13/40 (English: 4th M13/40 Tank Battalion) was the only Italian unit equipped with Carri Armati M13/40 (English: M13/40 tanks) that fought in the Balkans during the Second World War. Although deployed in a different theater of operation compared...
New books about tanks and tank warfare. Skua,Apr 11, 2005 Replies: 4 Views: 10,074 Canadian_Super_Patriot Sep 17, 2005 LockedSticky Book Reviews Ricky,Jun 14, 2005 Replies: 0 Views: 8,982 Ricky Jun 14, 2005 Normal threads Mussolini's War series ...
Kinkaid, who had commanded at Santa Cruz, led Seventh Fleet including eighteen CVEs for close air support and antisubmarine patrol.In the Sibuyan Sea—another front of the Battle of Leyte Gulf located on the western side of the Philippines—carrier airpower destroyed one of the largest ...
The Battle of Leyte Gulf officially entered the books as the Second Battle of the Philippine Sea, though most of the action occurred nearly one thousand miles from the June turkey shoot. Whatever the battle’s official name, after October 1944 the Imperial Navy was finished. ...
N. H. We go on walks once a week and have visited many shrines. Japan is beautiful at this time of the year. We also have many good books in our library. Please send some pictures (snap shots) when you write as I only have the one you sent me from Honolulu on your way home. ...