(1933-1940) 6 Purchased Soviet Union (1940-1941) 6 Captured Kingdom of the Netherlands (1934-1940) 12 Purchased German Reich (1940-1945) 12 Captured The Swedish Landsverk series of armored cars from the Interwar period were a successful export venture, with sales predominantly being made to ...
Dominion of Canada/Republic of Poland (1943) Armored Trolly – None Built The Dominion of Canada had a population of just 11 million people at the outbreak of WW2, yet the Canadian contribution to the Allied victory was enormous. A quarter-million men and women from Canada served in the ...
I began by cutting out the flat part of styrofoam paper plate. I proceeded to draw the outline of the bases of the figures on the plate and carefully carved them out. When I inserted the figures into the recessed slots in the flat base, I found to my surprise that they fit snugly and...
Yugoslav Partisans (1944-1945) Medium Tank – 1 Converted On April 18th, 1941, the Kingdom of Yugoslavia fell and the King and his Government fled to London. The country was split between the Axis occupiers; Germany, Italy, and Hungary. Additionally, the Axis powers created pro-Nazi regimes...