Tennis star Jean Borotra was named the head of the Commissariat général de l’éducation générale et aux sports (CGEGS), which was to be officially created in the following month to design sport curriculums for school children in Vichy France.ww2dbase[CPC] ...
“They had been on a school trip to Paris with the French Society, Mademoiselle Pinaud at the helm, chaperone and cultural guide. Paris, city of light, city of romance. All the girls had been so excited that they’d whispered and chatted the whole night long as the coach trundled throug...
Japanese National Archive File 陸戦兵器要目表 Reference: A03032103400. Research Department, Tateyama Naval Gunnery School. Read HERE. (In Japanese, Ammunition Data). Get the Poster of the ww2 Imperial Japanese Army Tanks and support us !Search...
Stephen Bull;Commando Tactics : The Second World War.An in-depth study of commando tactics and history and seeks to dispel the myths and misunderstandings that surround them, whilst placing these elite troops of 70 years ago in the context of their times. Pen and Sword Books. Stuart Allan;Co...
Peter Heppllewhite:World War II in the Air(MacMillan Children's books 2001) Walter Hutchinson (Editor):The Women's Auxiliary Air Force -Women Help the Royal Air Force, pp289-294 (Library Press, Pictorial History of The War, Vol 1) ...
It was written completely out of South Africa’s school history books and national consciousness by a Nationalist government fearful of heroes been made out iconic military veterans in countenance to their grand plans of Apartheid. As a result ‘The Torch’ remains obscure and even inconvenient to...
As a native of Chicago, I recall, upon graduating from high school, when I went with friends that summer down to the International Amphitheatre to have a closer look at the 1952 Republican Party convention. I also recall going to the Conrad Hilton Hotel, then known as the Stevens Hotel, ...
Although the Cooks selected for the First Echelon underwent training courses at the Trentham School of Cookery, they were not qualified cooks under Middle East conditions. They required instruction on breaking down bulk rations and handling food in the field, so arrangements were made to train New...
Greg Lewis is a journalist, BAFTA award–winning producer, and author of several books. His latest work,Shadow Warriors of World War II: The Daring Women of the OSS and SOE, was co-authored with Gordon Thomas. It is published byChicago Review Press. ...