Issues within the SAP would however start to come to head between Hertzog and Botha when Hertzog chose neutrality when the First World War broke out with Imperial Germany in 1914, Hertzog then joined a small minority of Ministers who voted against invading German South West Africa (the vote was...
Payn encouraged my development and told me I would be a Springbok if I continued to play after the war.”He spent three years in POW camps in Italy and Germany, as well as Poland, where he practised his kicking barefoot near a mass grave of Polish victims of the Nazis....
In February 1968, I volunteered for the military draft and entered the U.S. Army. As part of my service time, I was stationed at USAREUR Headquarters in Heidelberg, Germany. While in Germany, I visited various flea markets and antique stores looking for German daggers and any other interesti...
Please tell me if any of the Kumetz or Kummetz names in your German collection have family histories or DNA collected that could compare to my Kumetz/Kummetz history in USA. I'd like to know where my Kummetz family comes from in Germany. I live in Nebraska in the USA. My family has...
The original Mikulin AM-35 1,370 hp (1,022 kW) engine proved too weak and was replaced by the 1,680 hp (1,254 kW) Mikulin AM-38 before the aircraft entered production. The aircraft entered production in 1941 as Il-2, and 249 had been built by the time Nazi Germany invaded the ...