Checkout Register Login Advanced Search >> 0 item Your shopping cart is empty! Iron Cross 2nd Class View item detail Featured Products Latest Products Gemeindepolizei Revier Leutnants Tunic # 8408 $1,395.00 SA Dagger # 8288 $995.00 Named Kriegsmarine Admirals Tunic # 8268 ...
Republic of Poland (1933) Light tank – 1 Converted The large number of Renault FT tanks owned by the Polish Army in the Interwar period motivated work on modernizing them, as they were becoming increasingly obsolete in the 1930s. One such attempt was to replace the Renault FT’s suspension...
A German General appeared at the Czechs’ family farm. He told the parents to get their son ready for a trip to Berlin. He would be awarded with the Iron Cross 2ndClass , by Adolf Hitler himself. “My mother was dead against the idea,” he said. “She was afraid I might come to ...
The Arrow Cross Party (Nyilaskeresztes Párt) in Hungary, led by Ferenc Szálasi, was suppressed by the conservative regime of Miklós Horthy until 1944, when Szálasi was made a puppet ruler under the German occupation. In Romania the Iron Guard (Garda de Fier)—also called the League of ...
Louis also cultivated the German language and literature for the first time as a source of self-conscious cultural and political identity. Under his patronage, the Gospels were translated into German dialects, and the first attempts at writing German poetry with Christian and traditional themes were...
Cross Party(Nyilaskeresztes Párt) inHungary, led byFerenc Szálasi, was suppressed by the conservative regime ofMiklós Horthyuntil 1944, when Szálasi was made a puppet ruler under the German occupation. InRomaniatheIron Guard(Garda de Fier)—also called the League of Christian Defense, the ...