Source: Stewart Map of the invasion. Source: Mockler Introduction and background to AOI Following the Italian declaration of war against Great Britain and France on the 10th June 1940, the British perceptions of the Italians in Africa changed. The British had misunderstood the unique position… ...
- Map Quiz GameBerlin Bismarck Buna-Gona Coral Sea Crete Dakar El Alamein Guadalcanal Guam Hailstone Hiroshima-Nagasaki Indian Ocean Iwo Jima Kasserine Pass Leningrad Leyte Gulf Madagascar Midway Okinawa Pearl Harbor River Plate Shanggao Stalingrad The Bulge Tobruk Wuhan Upgrade your account to access ...
German Reich (1936-1945) Heavy Armored Car – 110-115 Built Developed as a heavy cross-country armored car during the mid-1930s, the Schwerer Panzerspähwagen Sd.Kfz.231 (8 Rad) (Eng. Heavy Armored Reconnaissance Vehicle Sd.Kfz.231 [8 wheels]) was the main heavy armored reconnaissance ...
27 Nov 1941 Interactive Map Leaflet|©OpenStreetMap 27 Nov 1942 Axis forces stiffened resistance on the approaches to Tunis, Tunisia.ww2dbase[Second Battle of El Alamein|AC] German forces in Tunisia counterattacked, capturing 286 men from the British 11th Brigade.ww2dbase[Advance into Tunisia| ...