Better hope you’re led by lions… If you want a quick shoot-about with mates, or to blitz through lots of straightforward, high-dopamine 10-minute deathmatches, this ain’t for you. But if you want to be absorbed in WW2 squad-level tactics, comms, and combat, investing upwards of ...
The First World War was the first war in history in which armored vehicles were used in significant numbers, by all sides. The Netherlands, as a neutral country, only observed from the sideline. However, in 1914, one Belgian armored car was interned when it crossed the Dutch border, ...
Lombard, the firecracker screwball star. Yet in less than a year, all of those things turned to ash following Lombard’s violent death. When her plane went down in a fiery blaze, it was treated as a national tragedy around the country, and for her husband it was the beginning of the ...
Posted by Peter Dickens 10 Submariners are the true ‘heroes” of the Navy, known as the ‘silent service’ it is the most dangerous service any Navy can offer. The death of a submarine is a harrowing prospect to those who serve in it – it takes a very special and very brave perso...
Eugene Bullard, The Black Swallow of Death The amazing story of an African-American pilot in the First World War as told byThe History Guy. An overview of the men from the Caribbean who flew for the RAF and their experiences as captured by Captain Mark Johnson. A beautifully designed presen...
The great mass of the Italian people greeted Mussolini’s death without regret. He had lived beyond his time and had dragged his country into a disastrous war, which it was unwilling and unready to fight. Democracy was restored in the country after 20 years of dictatorship, and a neo-Fasci...
Adolf Hitler - Nazi Leader, WW2, Holocaust: At the turn of the 21st century more books had been written about Hitler since his death than about Napoleon during the half-century after the latter’s demise. Time and distance from the events of World War II
“Today I shot down my first opponent. It does not set well with me. I keep thinking about how the mother of this young man must feel when she gets the news of her son’s death. And I am to blame for this death. I am sad, instead of being happy about the first victory. I ...
Famous nicknames such as "The Flying Tank" and "Der Schwarze Tod" (the "Black Death") were not created by soldiers. First one was created by the designer in early stages of design. The second one was created by the Soviet propaganda. Luftwaffe pilots called it Eiserner Gustav (Iron Gustav...
But the smashing victory came at a huge human cost. Landing troops on the beaches of Normandy was a death trap for thousands of men, with murderous German machine gun nests and relentless artillery waiting for them. The brutal landing wasgraphically dramatizedinSaving Private Ryan. On thefirst ...