KL Lublin Majdanek - Concentration Camp Bowl - Shoah $820.00 1 Extremely Rare to Find German Concentration Camp Female Striped Coat of French Political Prisoner Sold out 0 Rare Death Certificate Issued in the City of Dachau in 1940 $320.00 1 Very Rare Death Certificate Issued to a ...
The Schwerer Panzerspähwagen (Fu) Sd.Kfz.232 (8 Rad) (Eng. Heavy Reconnaissance [Radio] Vehicle Sd.Kfz.232 [8 Wheels]) was a heavy armored reconnaissance car developed by Nazi Germany during the mid-1930s, produced until late 1943, which remained in service with Wehrmacht and Waffen-...
In total there were 13 accounts of his death - each given by men who served under him - and each an attempt to muddy the waters of his true fate. Marty 2020-03-06 18:37:40 +01:00 marion glaser Hello, I' m looking for the person who has the portrait of Käthe Heusermann-Reiss...
Judge Roland Friesler, the fanatical Nazi who condemned to death the July plotters against Hitler, was killed during an air raid on Berlin, Germany. [Berlin | AC] BBC war correspondent Guy Byam was killed when the Flying Fortress bomber in which he was reporting on a daylight raid on Berl...
Death of Hindenburg (August 1934):After the death of President Hindenburg, Hitler combined the positions of President and Chancellor, assuming the title of Führer und Reichskanzler, consolidating his authority as both head of state and government. ...
and he was questioned as a witness at the Nuremberg Trials. In the Mauthausen-Gusen camp trials, Eigruber was sentenced in March 1946 by the Dachau International Military Tribunal to death by hanging for his responsibility for crimes at Mauthausen concentration camp. The sentence was carried ou...
The armband in question was a common funeral black band, in this case it marked the death of Queen Victoria on 22 Jan 1901. Whilst all highly amusing and clearly all either ignorant and (more likely) a blatant and very cheap attempt to brand Lord Kitchener a Nazi, it does bring up a ...
In front was the music and in the back the people were shot, beaten to death and left to starve. In the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, when we were on external command at Stubbenroden, I met the KPD area leader for Oldenburg-Bremen, Adolf Lenzer. At these occasions one could also ...
and he was questioned as a witness at the Nuremberg Trials. In the Mauthausen-Gusen camp trials, Eigruber was sentenced in March 1946 by the Dachau International Military Tribunal to death by hanging for his responsibility for crimes at Mauthausen concentration camp. The sentence was carried ou...
concentration camp where he also acted as the camp physician. Here, under the direction of SS Sturmbannführer Dr Heinrich Schϋtz, blood poisoning tests were performed on camp prisoners. The aim was to test biochemical drugs, such as sulfonamides. In total, from mid-June 1942 to the end...