Budget spendings were mostly dedicated to the Army and eastern Fortifications, while the Navy was reduced to its barebone role of fishery protection for its modest territorial waters. This would be quite a bad joke for Belgian admirals of the past, as the Flemish Navy in the past was famous....
On September 25, Arnold sat down with MacArthur, an outspoken, charismatic figure who was lionized on the home front and respected—if not universally loved—in the field. Like the admirals with whom Arnold had been meeting, he was not shy about sharing his perspective on the war in the Pa...
(fourth from right), Japanese Ambassador Kenkichi Yoshizawa (fifth from right), and First Secretary of the Japanese Embassy Mamoru Shigemitsu (fourth from left)Mitsumasa Yonai and former staff members at a social function, Japan, Oct 1935Admirals Mitsumasa Yonai and Isoroku Yamamoto, 1936Mitsumasa...
and the German admirals were even more frightened about what would happen when theRoyal Navyappeared on the scene. They had no confidence in their own power to stop the enemy, and they insisted that the responsibility for doing so be placed on the Luftwaffe. Air MarshalHermann Göringexpressed...